Friday, January 25, 2008

"I think that maybe you read too many books, Reuben."

When I first started library school, I saw on a LIS600 syllabus the assignment of watching a movie with a librarian as a prominent character. (If you have any favorites, comment and let me know!) Though I was not actually in that class, I thought the assignment sounded fun and sought out (and re-watched) many movies from the list (and not on the list), including:

You can find an exhaustive list at Librarians in the Movies: An Annotated Filmography.

So I am interested in (or perhaps more amused by) the portrayal of librarians in media. Yesterday I came across a game who has as a prominent character a particularly hostile librarian: Zoo Race

The premise of the game: what if Noah decided to have races with all of the animals on the ark? God could be the race commentator!

Anyway, I highly recommend watching the intro. Your jaw will drop at all the horrible things the librarian says. For those studying for comps, which articles of the ALA Code of Ethics does she violate?

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