Monday, March 17, 2008

Cooking experiment: cheesy cheddar pasta in the rice cooker!

This weekend I learned a number of things about my rice cooker:

  • It makes good jasmine rice, and keeps it warm while you run out to fetch gumbo.

  • The rice is good the next day with reheated gumbo.

  • It can make pre-packaged rice and pasta mixes. (I learned that on the internet!)

  • When you do so, the pasta cooks fine but has no cheese on it because it all pours out of the steam vent onto the counter.

  • It's hard to clean the vent without watery cheese pouring down onto the heating element.

I know that the internet is not the best source for information, but I got this (about the rice mixes) from the rice cooker company's website and searched for corroborating evidence (about pasta mixes) on cooking forums. Many posts were of the form "you could do this, but why would you?" None of them mentioned the giant mess aspect; they were more concerned with "why would you use a rice cooker? are you too good to use a pot like the rest of us?" or "OMG basmati rice is so much better than jasmine." I think I'll stick with plain rice from now on.

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